
Showing posts from 2023

Free to come and go at Fannie Bay Goal.......

 It was known as Darwin's only prison until the 1st of September 1979, when the last of the inmates that were housed there, were transported to the new Berrimah Prison, where it stands today. Facing towards the ocean is the Fannie Bay Gaol.  You would not know that there is a prison behind the tall fence today, apart from a small sign near the front gate.   Sign at the front gate. Stepping through the prison gate, you enter what was originally the former visiting area.  A wire partition separates the visitor from the prisoner.  A sign posted on the wire reads " You must speak English". There is no special room or chairs to ease your comfort while visiting the prisoner and no walls if it rained.  This area was later extended to be enclosed for contact visiting. It would have made life more pleasant when the wet season came. At the prison gate, you are greeted by a volunteer who will explain the best way to see the different buildings in the Gaol, where the amenities are lo

An Icon the Daly Waters Pub....

 As you drive down the road you begin to realize that something is different.  You are now entering a place like nowhere else in Australia. Where animals and pedestrians have right of way and cars, caravans and motorhomes must give way.  Speed is walking pace through the main street.  Though you have to watch the road for the occasional wandering cattle, donkey or horse. Tim, horse, donkey and goat The need to look at everything at once is very compelling, please find a spot, if you can, and park your vehicle then walk back to have a look and take photos.  Don't forget to stop in at the pub for a coffee and one of their great meals.  We had lunch and then went back later for their lovely "Beef and Barra" meals.  This one you have to book in advance during the busy season, so when you book your site for the night, book your dinner also. So, what is there to see, I hear you ask?  well, there is: - Kevin the crocodile, who apparently eats naughty children, buffalo meat and c

Visting the Cutta Cutta Caves....Katherine NT.

The cave entrance.  While visiting Katherine, we decided to venture out to visit the Cutta Cutta Caves.  Something different from the usual tourist sights.  The Caves are approximately 30 kilometres south of Katherine and are well signed so you cannot miss the turn off. The road into the information centre is not very wide, but it is sealed.  There are toilets provided with some tables and chairs in the information centre building. There are also some souvenirs, a drink fridge and an ice cream fridge. Before you go visiting the caves it is a good idea to ring and book a tour as they can be very popular and full depending on the time of day.  The tours leave the centre hourly with the last tour at 3pm.  Be aware that it is the bush and so there can be other creatures about like spiders and snakes, so please wear closed in shoes.  It is also a requirement of the tour, so no Aussie work boots aka thongs or sandals. Snake markings  The Limestone caves go 15 metres below the surface of the

Caranbarini Conservation Reserve - Borroloola NT

 While touring around Borroloola and the Gulf Region of the Northern Territory, a visit to the Caranbirini Conservation Reserve is worth a look (or Garambarini as the locals call it and regard it as one of their favourite places).  It is approximately 45 kilometres south of Borroloola and 705 kilometres southeast of Darwin. This area is also protected. You must remember to take with you some water, some snacks if you want to take your time and look for wildlife and of course your camera, a good hat and walking shoes.  Use insect repellent, (yes there are plenty of flies and other insects) and do not sit on the ground to protect against mosquitos and mites that can carry disease. Remember that snakes are around in the bush so be aware of your surroundings and enjoy.  Do you need a 4wd? No, the Reserve is accessible by car with 500m of gravel road from the main highway. You are not allowed to camp in the reserve.   Wren resting on a water lily There are 3 walks that you can take: - Carab